Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dad to the Rescue: Tribute from Melody

Here is the eulogy given by Melody Anne, Dad's firstborn.


Dad was a carpenter, and loved his work! He was always working on some project at home. He built closets, cabinets, bedrooms, bathrooms, additions. He built at least three bedrooms for me. Dad always let me help with the design. One of my bedrooms had bright pink carpet!

When I was around 17, Dad was removing old living room carpet in preparation for new carpet. As I was walking through the living room to the kitchen, barefoot, I stepped on a rusty old carpet tack. It went all the way into my heel. I started hopping, yelling, and carrying on! Dad and mom, my sisters, (and probably the neighbors) came running to see what happened. 

Dad assessed the situation, left the room, then returned with his HAMMER in his hand! His plan was to use the claw side of his hammer to remove the tack. I had to be held down, but he was successful. He pulled the tack out just like it was a nail in a board.

Portrait from Around that Time

Dad was always willing and eager to help us when we needed him. I was living in North Carolina, and he was living in Indiana, but I needed him. Greg, my two-year-old "Dennis the Menace," dumped a basket full of shell soaps into our toilet bowel. It had melted and solidified like cement. I couldn't pull it out or plunge it down. 

Sean, Greg, Stephen

So... I called Dad!

He told me step by step what to do. I wrote it down, then methodically went down the list: 

  1. Buy a new wax seal
  2. Turn off and disconnect water supply
  3. Flush toilet twice
  4. Lift toilet off the floor and place it upside down in the shower
  5. Spray hot water into the toilet, using snake to dislodge the soap
  6. Place new wax seal on floor
  7. Place toilet back on floor
  8. Reconnect water supply and turn on water
  9. FLUSH

It worked!! And my toilet had never been so clean! 

Thank you, Dad ❣


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