Monday, February 8, 2021

Coronavirus Day 5 - Fever Free!

Sunday was my first full day with no fever. I was much more cautious when I climbed out of bed after 10 hours of decent sleep, but this time I did not get dizzy. 

For breakfast, I took the time to steam some apples for my oatmeal. It was pretty good with kefir and maple syrup on top, but I could only choke down a little over half. 

Once again, I spent most of the day in bed, but I didn't sleep as much. I felt very tired, but no longer sleepy. I felt distressed about my dirty clothes and hair, but not confident enough to risk slipping in the shower. 

On advice from a friend who recovered from Covid-19, I determined to start eating more food to get my energy up. I enjoyed a cherry peanut butter smoothie immensely, though it gave me chills and sent me back to bed for a while. 

Allyson and I had planned a short walk--the same friend recommended getting outside--but we missed the daylight. Allyson asked if we could go for a drive instead, so we did. It was the first time I'd set foot outside the house in five days, and I really enjoyed it. I told Allyson it brought back memories of my family's occasional Sunday drives when I was young. She'd never heard of that custom. 

While we drove, she placed an order for curbside pickup at BJ's Brewhouse. When we arrived, she called in our parking position and told them to set our food in the trunk. The person who delivered our order apparently had not gotten the message, though. She approached the window, but I gestured her back to the open trunk. She set the bag in the trunk but returned with Allyson's soda. 

I cupped my hands around my mouth and leaned against the window. "We have Covid!" I shouted.

"Mama," Allyson groaned.

The woman shook her head in confusion.

"Covid!" I hollered, and pointed at the back of the car. 

The woman whirled on her heel and disappeared behind the car. A moment later, the trunk slammed decisively.

"Do you think she's mad?" I asked.

Allyson shrugged.

"I didn't want to roll down the window," I said.

Allyson went to the trunk to retrieve our food. When she returned, I asked, "Doesn't it feel like we're in a movie? Some apocalyptic story? Like, 'Beware! We have the plague!' "

"Yeah, maybe," she said.

We ate our dinner on my bed, which she has taken over in my absence, while we watched 50 First Dates. I'd forgotten how sweet Drew Barrymore is in that movie. Laughter is great medicine!

My salmon and mashed potatoes were so delicious! I'd have to say the potatoes were the highlight of my day. That, and watching a movie with Allyson.

I also felt a sense of accomplishment when I cleaned the litter on my own, but I was happy for Allyson's help with taking out the trash.


Vitals: 97/56 (my normal), 93 bpm. Temperature: 98.0

Symptoms: headache, mild nausea, fatigue, mild nasal congestion, mild sore throat

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