Saturday, February 6, 2021

Coronavirus Day 1

This past Wednesday, coronavirus symptoms began abruptly, just before bedtime. I'd been sneezing violently for nearly a week, but I'm pretty sure that was just allergies; this happens to me every January and February when the mountain cedar blooms.

The first thing I noticed that evening was that most of my joints were aching. My left foot hurt enough to cause a limp, and my left thumb was very sore. The skin on my left forearm was burning from the inside out. I felt a lot like I'd felt when my Hashimoto's thyroiditis had flared up in 2019. I figured I must have eaten something that bothered my immune system, such as gluten.

My plan was to get in bed early and sleep it off, but sleep was elusive because I felt more and more sore and restless through the night. The pain in my hips kept me from resting much, but I did manage to sleep fitfully until the light woke me on Thursday.


Symptoms: severe sneezing, joint pain

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